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Plant Care, Mulmur, ON

Home > Plant Care, Mulmur, ON

Enhance your landscaping with proper plant care.

It is no secret that plants and greenery add beauty to any outdoor space. You enjoy having thriving plants dotting your landscaping, and you want them to maintain their health and vitality for years to come.

Plant Care in Mulmur, Ontario

At WillowStone, we offer a variety of plant care services to keep the plants on your property in Mulmur, Ontario in proper health. These include the following:

  • Planting—Knowing where to plant your new plants can have a big impact on their long-term health and growth. We can provide advice and guidance as you prepare to add new plants to your landscaping.
  • Plant establishment—Setting up a plant establishment program is key to helping your new plants thrive once planted. We can provide advice on things like soil fertilization and your watering schedule to help your plants continue to grow and add beauty to your property.
  • Plant preservation—If you have a major project planned for your property, protecting your plants is likely a big concern. We can help you devise a plan for maintaining your plants as your project continues.
  • Disease and insect control—The key to preventing problems with plant diseases and insects is proactive monitoring. We can keep an eye on your plants to ensure they do not succumb to harmful diseases and pests.

In addition to these aspects of plant care, we can help with anything else your plants need to stay healthy and strong in every season. Contact us today to set up a plant care consultation and to learn more about our services.

At WillowStone, we provide plant care services for residents of Collingwood, The Blue Mountains, Wasaga Beach, Meaford, and Thornbury, Ontario.