Summer is often a time where homeowners tackle the projects that they’ve been thinking about all winter long. Many of our outdoor projects are done with the intention of making our outdoor space more accessible during the warmer months. If your yard is lacking shade or lacking a little luster, a site analysis can be a great way to move forward with your outdoor construction.
One of the most common issues that we see with our clients is a lack of proper preparation. They might have an impulse to buy a fruit tree or a flowering shrub one day at the garden center and then think they can make an educated enough guess to keep that tree or shrub growing strong in their own yard. The truth of the matter is that a site analysis will provide you with all the information you need before you go shopping, so you can choose the right plants that will work with your soil, shade levels, and natural environment.
A site analysis will also help ensure that once your plants are in the ground, they will have the room they need to grow and flourish. Being able to see into the future of your plants is something that we are able to do here at WillowStone, so we can say with a lot of confidence that your trees and shrubs will grow successfully with our help! This summer, rather than choosing your plants on the fly, try our tree and shrub analysis first for plants that your yard, and you, will love for years.